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A Tale of Two MITs

It was the best of climes, it was the worst of climes, it was the age of wokedom, it was the age of mockingness, it was the epoch of belonging, it was the epoch of intersectionality, it was the season of smite, it was the season of starkness  – in short, the period was so deeply infected with the Woke Mind Virus that the noisiest of authorities insisted that denying reality, for good or evil, was the only way to survive.

The world’s leading STEM university is so imbued with woke virtue that before October 7th its Institute Discrimination and Harassment Response (IDHR) office sent forth swarms of officers to eliminate the tiniest wisps of “hate speech” that might offend preferred identities.

But after October 7th IDHR suddenly became perfectly OK with media darlings like MIT postdoc Afif Aqrabawi spewing violent antisemitic venom that he himself proudly calls hate speech. Fortunately, MIT’s chief race grifter Chancellor Melissa Nobles is staging a series of Islamophobia prevention lectures under the Stand Together Against Hate initiative. These explain why we shouldn’t be terrified by people calling for the death of infidels.

Meanwhile, the majority of MIT’s science and engineering professors are too frightened to launch an initiative similar to Harvard’s Council on Academic Freedom, concerned that woke mobs led by radical faculty at MIT’s School of Humanities, Arts, and Socialist Scientism will collude with the vast DEI ideological complex to blacklist them from receiving research grants.

Can MIT president Spineless Sally Kornbluth reform MIT’s ailing culture? Not without a clear mandate from MIT’s broken governance structure followed by a thorough house cleaning. Showing MIT Corporation chairman Mark Gorenberg the door would be a good start. And finding a college searching for a new president willing to consider taking DEI-hire Chancellor Nobles off our hands.


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