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The Burbling Bieber is back with his new hit single Hamas Thinkin’

With apologies to Commander Cody and his Lost Planet Airmen.

To listen to this smash new tune turn up your volume and click here.

Hamas Thinkin’

Ms. Sally said, “Kids, you’re gonna drive me to drinkin’
If you don’t stop doin’ that Hamas thinkin’.

I was out by Kresge late one night
The moon and the stars was shinin’ bright.
When out on the oval I see a sign,
Says “Liberation for Palestine.

So I grabbed a kid and said, ”What’s that mean?
Why are all those tents on the Kresge green?
He looked askance; “You ain’t heard the news?
This war was started by the Jews.

It’s true we raped a couple of gals
And kidnapped some of their Hebrew pals.
But that’s OK ‘cause they’re oppressors
As we’ve been taught by our SHASS professors.

So now our goal is to harass
Any Jew who comes to class
And any Jew who tries to teach
‘Cause we believe in Freedom of Speech.

So I got on my knees, said “Won’t you stop?
Pretty please with sugar on top.”
The kid says “No ma’am, that we’ll spurn.
We’re here to protest, not to learn.”

About six weeks in things got to stinkin’
So I made a call to Anthony Blinken.
Cause the situation is now so dire
I need him to broker our OWN cease-fire.

I wanted to arrest ‘em and put ‘em in jail.
But the ACLU’d just make their bail.
So I said to ‘em “Kids, you’re gonna drive me drinkin’
I If you don’t stop doin that

Dumb ………

Ass …….



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