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Menstruation Scientists claim that 20% of MIT women are impaired at work

Belying claims that gender is a social construct unrelated to biology, gyneactivists assailed MIT to do something about menstruation because “An estimated 20-25 percent of MIT women — about 2,000-2,500 total — are affected by one or more menstrual disorders in ways that impair their abilities to work and participate in the academic community.”

Who knew that women were different than men, or could be impaired when having their periods? Especially since voicing such observations could lead to summary cancellation. Fear no more for you heretical thoughts, the settled science has changed!

What is the solution to this recently discovered oppression unjustly inflicted by implacable nature? More funding for “Menstruation Science,” an emerging field that is bringing diverse expertise into gynepathological research.

Leave it to MIT’s program in Women and Gender Studies to raise awareness of the systemic hormonal misogyny that has relegated women to second class citizenship, unable to access higher education or find meaningful employment, condemning them to lives of despair. Now that MIT’s top three positions – President, Provost, and Chancellor – are all occupied by women, perhaps they can vanquish the scourge of endocrine injustice.

Story idea suggested by the MIT News Office.


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