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Take a “Belonging” tour of MIT’s School of Humanities, Arts, and Socialist Scientism

Belonging at MIT SHASS

With the Supreme Court striking down race-based admissions, it’s time for MIT to double down on its rebranded DEI programs.

BELONGING is the new mantra and focus of the hundreds of overpaid DEI officers enjoying comfy sinecures at the world’s leading STEM university.

And where else do they stuff all this Belonging but in the School of Humanities, Arts, and Socialist Scientism (SHASS). Take a gallery tour of works, research, courses, and programs that explain what these people do all day while real professors teach math, physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering.

Visit the DEI advisory board the Literature section set up in the wake of the George Floyd riots. Through on-campus publicity via posters and other means, they make sure the diversity of literature and the MIT student body is reflected in its promotional materials.

Marvel at the work of the SHASS Diversity Predoctoral Fellows, studying how marginalized individuals offer counternarratives about their subjecthood and positionality in their respective societies.

Learn how to sustain the momentum of the BLM mostly peaceful protests through contemporary movements for reparative justice and historical redress, propelling transnational and cross-disciplinary analysis and action.

And expand your understanding of contemporary scientism by learning how two-eyed seeing is being used to apply indigenous ways of knowing to solve the climate crisis.

All this and more awaits when you leave the racist, colonialist, patriarchal Scientific Revolution behind and get SHASSted.

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